
To subdivide a parcel into a number of smaller lots, one needs to get a subdivision or a re-subdivision approval from a  Zoning Board in CT. The only exceptions to this are for a “first cut” (the first cut on a lot after the inaction of subdivision regs – not common) or a lot created solely for agricultural or conservation purposes.  This process can be anything from straight forward or quite complicated depending on the lot itself, the number of lots you are creating, the community you are in and, yes, even the neighbors you have.  Generally you need a survey of the lot including wetland flagging, testing performed to assure there is a suitable place for the home, septic and well (if not on public systems) and provisions have been made for proper drainage and adequate access.  Give us a call to review your plans – we can give you a good idea what to expect and what it is likely to cost.

Thomas R Machnitzki


Creative Commons : Thomas R Machnitzki